




阅读:2   发布时间:2023-06-23 19:34:39


January释义:n.一月缩写:jan例句:The law came into force in January.该项法令一月份开始生效Ive been dating my BF since January.自一月份以来我一直在与我的男友约会。

February释义:n.二月缩写:feb例句:The coldest February in 40 years.40年来最冷的一个2月They deferred the decision until February.他们推迟到2月才作决定。

He was demobilized in February 1946.他1946年2月复员March释义:n.三月缩写:mer例句:They will be in London from March 24 through May 7.从3月24日至5月7日他们将待在伦敦。

They follow their March show with four UK dates next month.3月份演出后,他们下个月在英国还有四场演出。

April释义:n.四月缩写:apr例句:A budget to allocate w. e. f.1st April.4月1日起生效的分配预算Given under my hand this eleventh day of April.由本人亲笔签署订立于4月11日。

May释义:n.五月缩写:may例句:A criminal conviction is a handicap and a label that may stick forever.刑事判决是一个不利因素,可能成为身上一张永远揭不掉的标签。

Kings and queens may come and go, but the Crown goes on forever.国王和王后们也许是昙花一现,但王权是永恒不变的June释义:n.六月缩写:jun。

例句:The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June.委员会将于六月向议会提交最后的报告The new sports complex is on target to open in June.新建的体育中心将在六月份如期开放。

July释义:n.七月缩写:jul例句:He was sworn in as president on 10 July.他于7月10号宣誓就任总统The cut-off date to register is July 2.登记截止期限是7月2日。

August释义:n.八月缩写:aug例句:During August ministers cover for other ministers.八月份,一些大臣暂代别的大臣工作The raid was remounted in August.攻击于八月份重新开始。

September释义:n.九月缩写:sept例句:He met with the president on September 16.9月16号他与总统进行了会晤Around mid September, days shorten and temperatures dip.9月中旬左右,白昼缩短,气温降低。

October释义:n.十月缩写:oct例句:The reactor is due to go critical in October.该核反应堆预计到十月份开始临界Michaelmas daisies can flower as late as October.紫菀甚至迟至10月也能开花。

November释义:n.十一月缩写:nov例句:There were somewhat atypical results in May and November.5月和11月中有些不太具代表性的结果The special issue has been moved forward to November.特刊已经被提前至11月发行。

December释义:n.十二月缩写:dec例句:He was defeated at the election of December 1910.他在1910年12月的选举中被击败了The trailer bowed in theaters nationwide on December 23.预告片12月23日在全国各大影院首次与观众见面。

拓展资料month释义:n.月;一个月的时间;四周;太阴月;朔望月;二十八天短语:January元月份late-stage abortion大月份引产例句:Ice and snow here melt/thaw in March.这里三月份冰雪化冻。

The season begins in May.五月份开始进入旺季。
