




阅读:3   发布时间:2023-06-21 23:07:12


01●Close to home●离家近的;触到痛处;感同身受Close to home ,从字面上来看很容易就能get到“离家近的”的意思但实际上,它也表示“触到痛处、感同身受”所以,下次再看到它,不要想当然啦。

●例句●Everyone felt that the speakers remarks hit close to home.大家都感觉到发言人的话击中了要害Everyone felt uncomfortable because his remarks were a little too。

close to home.他的话一针见血,所以大家都感到很尴尬02●penny-pincher●吝啬鬼;守财奴Penny-pincher 是由两个词连在一起组合而成的两个词中间用hyphen(连字号)相连接。

Penny指的是一分钱,pincher来自 pinch,可以解释为:把东西捏在手里的捏,pinch后面加上er就成了名词,指人顾名思义,penny-pincher指那些连一分钱都要捏在手里不放的人对应中文里的吝啬鬼或守财奴。

不过要注意,在某些情况下,penny-pincher也会带有积极的意思,指很简朴的人●例句●You know, with the national debt getting so big, maybe we ought to elect some

penny-pinchers to the Congress next time instead of these guys who are so good at spending the taxpayers money.

你知道,现在我们国家的预算赤字越来越大,也许我们应该下次选举那些花钱手头很紧的人去做议员,而不要选那种善于把老百姓缴纳的税钱大手大脚花掉的人I am really penny-pincher these days trying to save money -- I am going into medical school and the tuition is $24,000 a year.。


Cheapskate是指一个人每当他不得不花一点钱的时候,他总是尽量省钱,越便宜越好●例句●In fact, he was often a cheapskate. He did not like to spend money.

事实上,他过去是个吝啬鬼,不喜欢花钱Tell your husband not to be a cheapskate.劝劝你丈夫,叫他别那么小气04●not all there●头脑不清醒;不在状态;神志不清。

Not all there 是美国人普遍用的一个习惯用语,它的意思是:某个人的行为表现很奇怪,或者是很傻●例句●This new kid looks like he is not all there. All he does is sit and stare out the window as if the only thing he sees is blank space.

这个新来的孩子看起来好像不太正常他除了向窗外盯着看之外什么也不干,好像他眼睛里看到的只是一片空白Hes a rather stupid person. Hes not all there.他是个二百五05

●have a screw loose●古怪;精神有问题;怪里怪气;疯疯癫癫Screw是螺丝,loose是松的意思所以 have a screw loose 从字面上来解释就是:一个螺丝松了但作为一个俗语时,它的意思是:某人的脑子不正常,因为他脑子里有些地方的接头松了。

●例句●He must have a screw loose somewhere; hes acting really strangely.他一定是哪根筋不对,他的行动真奇怪She eats nothing but nuts, she must 。

have a screw loose!她这个人除了干果,什么都不吃,准是有毛病!
